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Showing posts with label Google Adwords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Adwords. Show all posts
Tutorial # 22 - How to apply for Google AdWords

Well it seems that using Google AdWords is very difficult to understand but it isn't so. Even a beginner can start promoting his blog with it, all you need is a way to pay and follow this tutorial. So lets begin, follow below steps to start promoting your blog through Google AdWords.

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard and navigate to Campaigns. Then Click "Start Now"

Step 2: Type your Email, Select your country, Select your time zone and your currency(in which you will pay for advertising).
Step 3: Click on Create Your First Campaign.

Step 4: Give a title to your campaign, Select the type of ads either Standard or All features, Choose networks and devices(on which ads will show up e.g computer, tablets, mobile etc).

Step 5: 
Scroll down the page and move to Locations, here you have to choose the countries in which you would like to show your ads. Choose All the countries or your own country or if you want to target specific country then choose Let me select. If you choose Let me select then type the name of the country in the search box below and select it.

After location you have another option below "Languages" so check the languages in which you would like to show your ads. Be sure that the languages you select aren't only languages but these languages will decide that on which Google domain your ads will appear.

Say that you choose English, now your ads will be shown on the Google domains which have English language e.g.,,

It doesn't mean that your ads will not be shown in the countries you choose.

Step 6: There are three things that you have to deal with, one is to choose a bid strategy, budget for your ads and other is to ad extension to your ads.

Choose Basic options in bid strategy because Advanced options are difficult to understand.

In bid strategy area you have two options:
1. Adwords will set my bids to help maximize clicks within my target budget.
2. I'll manually set my bids for clicks.
Choose I'll manually set my bids for clicks because if you let Google to choose bids for you then you will get more and more traffic but have to pay high rates.

After choosing I'll manually set my bids for clicks you will have two options:-
1. Default bid.
2. Budget.
In the default bid type the rate which you will pay for each click(PPC).

Tip: For a quick boost in traffic while spending lowest amount set $0.02 as default bid.

In budget area type $1 or $2 no matter what you type but it is just a limit in which you will pay Google Adwords. For example if you set a budget of $1 and default bid $0.02 then you will get 20 clicks for 1 dollar and after that your ad will stop running because your daily budget is consumed. If you don't get 20 clicks in a day then your remaining budget will be used next.

Ad extension is an optional feature to include relevant business info with your ads e.g location, sitelinks, call info. So if you want to use this feature just check any of the given option and follow instructions to proceed away.

 Step 7: Click on Save and continue and you have successfully created your first campaign now its time to create an ad group which will include you ads so follow next step.

Step 8: Give a name to your ad group and below it design your ad look. You can see a preview of your ad on the page.

Step 9: Scroll down and write your keywords in the given text area as shown in below photo. Write 10-20 keywords on after other.

Step 10: After writing keywords click on Save and continue to billing as shown in below image

Step 11: After selecting your country, click on Continue. Then you'll get to Billing Settings.

Step 12: Select account type as individual and fill up your info. E.g your name, address, phone number etc and scroll down the page.

Step 13: Select Automatic payments in How you pay option

Step 14: Check the Yes, I agree the above terms and conditions and click on complete sign up.
Congratulations! you are done successfully. You can read more about Google adwords below e.g how to create more campaigns or edit the existing one, how to change billing info and account info and also how to cancel your account any time.

How To Make Changes In Settings?
Although payment settings and other settings are configured and saved at the time of setting up account but later you can change your payment as well as account settings. To change your account settings just click on the settings button on the top-right-corner of the page.

To create more ads and ad-groups just navigate to campaigns and click on  +CAMPAIGN 
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Tutorial # 15 - How to Promote your Blog

Unpaid Ways of Promoting your Blog

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's unpaid results - often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

Some of the ways for SEO are given below (See # 3, 4, 5, 6) (See Tutorial # 48 for further ways for SEO)

2. Connect your blog to Google+: Switch your Blogger profile to Google+ to take advantage of automatic sharing, the Google+ blogging community. You can also connect you blog to the page. (SeeTutorial # 16)

3. Write quality content and do it well: No one wants to stumble over bad writing and terrible grammar. The content must be genuine and useful to the audience (See Tutorial # 17)

4. Keep search engines in mind and add your blog to Blogger's listings: Take advantage of Blogger’s Search Preferences features to make sure it easier for those seeking your content. You can also add your blog to our listings it shows up in "Next Blog", "Recently Updated", and other places. It's like opting-in to traffic. (See Tutorial # 18)

5. Appropriate use of Custom Robots: They allow or disallow crawlers to index the webpages in the website. (See Tutorial # 19)

6. Appropriate use of Permalinks: Permalink is a URL that links to a blog post. (See Tutorial # 20)

7. Enable Email This Post: If you enable “Email Post Links” on your blog, people will be able to forward your posts to friends. This might not have an immediate impact on your site stats, but it enables others to publicize your blog for you. (See Tutorial # 21)

8. Submit your address to blog search sites and directories: People look for blog content at Technorati every day, are you on their list? You should be. Submit your blog's URL to Technorati, Daypop, Popdex, and any such other site.

9. Put your blog URL in your email signature: Think of how many forwarded emails you've seen in your day, and just imagine the possibilities.

10. Be an active commenter: If you come across a blog you like, why not leave a comment? This way, others who read and are interested in your comment and click back to your profile and check out your blogs.

Paid Ways of Promoting your Blog

Google AdWords: (See Tutorial # 22)
Facebook Ads: (See Tutorial # 23)

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