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Sitemap makes the readers easy to find content that they are searching for. While the blog archive and labels have all the information about the published post, these do not appear on a single page completely, so searching for more posts is not always an easy job.

Quite fortunately, this tutorial will help you to add a table of contents or sitemap on Blogger showing the index of all posts separated by categories that have been published. It will also show the latest posts with a text saying "New!".

Step 1: Go to Pages > click the New Page button

Step 2: Click on the HTML tab and paste the following code inside it:

Step 3: Customization
- Replace in line # 11 with the address of your blog.
- To change the color and font size of categories title, replace the values in line # 2.
- To change the color of the links, replace the value in line # 3.

Step 4: Click Options on the right sidebar and select Don't allow (hide existing) for the reader's comments

Step 5: Finally, click the Publish button and View the page

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